Lars Buhrkall

Freelance Electrical Engineer

Electrical Drives, Traction Systems, and Electromagnetic Compatibility

Photo gallery



Photo gallery

This section shows some photos from some of my railway adventures around Europe. Click on the small pictures at the top of the page. The comments to each photo are found below the big pictures.



DSB EG3100 and DB Cargo BR185 in Abisko, Sweden

This is from my first winter test of locomotives in northern Sweden, January-February 2001. One DSB loco EG3100 and two DB Cargo BR185 were tested on the Iron Ore line between Luleå and the Swedish-Norwegian border. Here the locos are seen at the well-known tourist station in Abisko 19th of February, 2001. A maintenance vehicle is approaching to the right.

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Latest update: 06.09.2014